Services Offered


Breathwork and Bioenergy Therapy


Restorative Breathwork® is a yin approach to breathwork that focuses on cultivating mindfulness of breath. Through rhythmic breathing practices and mindfulness practices clients become aware of inherent wisdom, or intelligence, within their natural breath. Old patterns of internalizing are uncovered and released which restores the freedom, expansiveness, and resiliency of our natural breath, deeply unwinds the nervous system, and brings clarity and peace to heart and mind. By returning the breath to its natural, resilient state we improve function throughout the entire human energy system. Each session begins with clarifying intention. Asking "why we are doing this work" which Eastern traditions teach us is just as important as the work itself allows us to release long held patterns. Each session is done on a massage table fully clothed, lying face up and begins with a brief guided relaxation to help you open to the expansiveness and healing power of the natural breath. 

Restorative Breathwork®: founded by Kathleen Barratt- The Barratt Breath Institute. Torre completed a 3-year intensive internship in Restorative Breathwork® which culminated in her receiving certification as a Restorative Breathwork® Facilitator. 

Breathwork has been shown to help in the management of acute and chronic pain, and the treatment of many disorders of the respiratory tract, muscle-skeletal system, and nervous system including asthma, COPD, pulmonary fibrosis, insomnia, anxiety, depression and irritable bowel system. But since this form of breathwork works energetically within the chakra system many other imbalances can be treated as well. 

Torre offers group workshops and sessions in Breathwork and in Breath-Yoga, a combination of Restorative Breathwork® and gentle yoga that balances the nervous system and energy centers (chakras.) She also offers Skype and Zoom virtual breathwork sessions where you can experience the profound effects of breathwork in the comfort of your own home. 

Pricing for group events may vary. Please contact her at for more information.


Medical Therapeutic Yoga

Medical Therapeutic Yoga sessions are tailored to your individual concerns and needs. After a complete medical history is obtained Dr. Hinnant determines the specific yoga postures, breathing exercises, relaxation practices, herbal remedies, lifestyle and nutritional approaches that will help to strengthen and balance your system on all levels, body, mind, and spirit. This natural approach to healing is based on the knowledge that the body and mind have an innate ability to move towards health. It is excellent for addressing respiratory, digestive, muscular/skeletal, endocrine, or psychological imbalances, and is a potent preventative medicine practice. Dr. Hinnant is also certified in Yoga of the Heart. Yoga of the Heart is specifically designed for people with heart disease or cancer and is used in the Dean Ornish Program for reversal of heart disease throughout the United States.



Medical Hypnosis

Medical hypnosis is a powerful therapy that utilizes relaxation techniques, intention, visualization and suggestion to enact healing. In the initial meeting a full medical history is obtained with specific focus on the issue to be addressed. In subsequent sessions hypnosis is performed using powerful images and suggestions that help the client to access the healing power within their own subconscious mind. The client is in a relaxed state and is conscious during the entire session. Medical Hypnosis treats many conditions including chronic pain, anxiety, depression, allergies, phobias, and Irritable bowel syndrome. Dr. Hinnant utilizes a 7 session protocol for Irritable Bowel Syndrome created by Dr. Palsson Psy.D of UNC Chapel Hill's Department of Medicine. 





Torre is a certified meditation teacher through the Integral Yoga Institute. She works with students individually or in a group and teaches them how to meditate or how to deepen their existing meditation practice. Utilizing ancient yogic techniques that build concentration and calm the mind she artfully designs the class to fit your needs. She is well versed in the intricacies of teaching multiple meditation techniques and enjoys helping students to find the right technique for them. She then helps them to build their skills in that chosen technique. The different meditation techniques that Torre teaches include walking meditation, mantra, compassion, guided imagery, mindfulness, breath awareness, gazing, self-inquiry and more. Please indicate if there is a specific technique that you are interested in learning. Otherwise Torre will help you to discover the techniques that are the best for you. She will also help you to determine the best posture for your meditation.



Traditional Yoga

This yoga class is tailored to the goals and levels of the group or student.  Torre has over two decades of yoga teaching experience and is able to adapt poses to make them more accessible to those with limitations or is able to help more intermediate/advanced students work at their edge and to deepen their practice. Traditional yoga consists of yoga asana (posture,) relaxation (yoga nidra,) and breath control (pranayama,) all culminating in an experience of peaceful, centered awareness. Torre teaches a spiritually based yoga that incorporates mindfulness of breath and alignment throughout the class.